Friday, July 30, 2010

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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

AdSense Terms and Conditions

Google AdSense Online Standard Terms and Conditions


Introduction. This agreement ("Agreement") between You and Google Inc. ("Google") consists of these Google AdSense Online Program (the "Program") Standard Terms and Conditions ("Terms and Conditions"). A description of the Program, as generally offered by,Google, is available at the Program Frequently Asked Questions ("FAQ") URL, located at or such other URL as Google may provide from time to time. "You" or "Publisher" means any entity identified in an enrollment form submitted by the same or affiliated persons, and/or any agency or network acting on its (or their) behalf, which shall also be bound by the terms of this Agreement.

1. Program Participation. Participation in the Program is subject to Google’s prior approval and Your continued compliance with the Program Policies ("Program Policies,"), located at , and/or such other URL as Google may provide from time to time. Google reserves the right to refuse participation to any applicant or participant at any time in its sole discretion. By enrolling in the Program, You represent that You are at least 18 years of age and agree that Google may serve (a) third party and/or Google provided advertisements and/or other content (such third party provided advertisements, Google provided advertisements and other content, collectively, "Ads"), provided, however, that if Google serves non-compensated content, You will have the ability to opt out of receiving such content as part of the Program, (b) related Google queries and/or Ad search box(es) (collectively, “Links”), (c) Google Web and/or Site search results (collectively, "Search Results"), and/or (d) Google referral Ads (“Referral Buttons”), each in connection with the Web site(s), media player(s), video content and/or mobile content that You designate, or such other properties expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail) (such other properties, “Other Properties”), and the Atom, RSS, or other feeds distributed through such Web site(s) , media player(s), video content, mobile content and/or Other Properties (each such Web site, media player, video content, mobile content, Other Property or feed, a "Property"). For the avoidance of doubt, any reference in this Agreement or the Program Policies to an individual “Web page”, “Web site”, “Web site page” or the like that is part of the Property will also mean feeds and media players distributed through such Web site. Multiple accounts held by the same individual or entity are subject to immediate termination unless expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail). In some circumstances expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail), You may enroll in the Program and create an account for the sole purpose of receiving payment from Google, and not, for purposes of clarification, for the purpose of displaying Ads, Links, Search Results and/or Referral Buttons on a Property. If, however, You subsequently use your Account to participate in the Program (i.e. for the purpose of displaying Ads, Links, Search Results and/or Referral Buttons on a Property), then such use of the Program will be governed by the terms of this Agreement. You must have and abide by an appropriate privacy policy that clearly discloses that third parties may be placing and reading cookies on your users’ browser, or using web beacons to collect information, in the course of ads being served on your website. Your privacy policy should also include information about user options for cookie management.

2. Implementation and Operation of Ads, Search Results, and Referrals. You agree to comply with the specifications provided by Google from time to time to enable proper delivery, display, tracking, and reporting of Ads, Links, Search Results, Referral Buttons, and Google Brand Features (as defined in Section 12 below) in connection with Your Property(ies), including without limitation by not modifying the JavaScript or other programming provided to You by Google in any way, unless expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail).

o AdSense for Search. If You have elected to receive Search Results, You will display on Your Property(ies) a Google search box (a "Search Box") in accordance with the specifications provided by Google. Except for related Google queries, all search queries (including queries entered into an Ad search box) must originate from individual human end users inputting data directly into a Search Box (or Ad search box, as applicable) on Your Property(ies). You will send any and all queries (without editing, filtering, truncating, appending terms to or otherwise modifying such queries individually or in the aggregate) to Google and Google will use commercially reasonable efforts to provide You with corresponding Search Results and/or Ads, as applicable and as available. Search Results and any accompanying Ads will be displayed on Web pages that may be hosted by Google (each, a "Search Results Page"), and the format, look and feel of those Web pages hosted by Google may be modified by Google from time to time.

o AdSense for Content. All content and Property-based Ads (and Ads served in response to end user clicks on and queries entered into Links, if any) shall be grouped by Google and displayed with Links (where applicable) to end users of the Property(ies) as ad units (such groups of Ads and/or Links collectively referred to as "Ad Units") in standard formats as offered generally by Google from time to time, as may be described in the FAQ. You may select a format approved by Google for the display of Ad Units in connection with the Property(ies), but You acknowledge and agree that Ads and/or Links: (i) shall only be displayed in connection with the Property(ies), each of which is subject to review and approval by Google in its discretion at any time; and (ii) shall be subject to the placement guidelines set forth herein.

o Referrals. If You have elected to use the Google AdSense Referrals feature, You will implement any Referral Buttons on Your Property(ies) in accordance with the specifications provided by Google. End users who click on a Referral Button will be directed to a Web page that may be hosted by Google (“Referral Page”), and the format, look and feel of those Web pages hosted by Google may be modified by Google from time to time. A “Referral Event” will be initiated when an end user clicks on a Referral Button from the Property and will be completed when the referral requirements for the relevant product are satisfied in accordance with this Agreement. Such referral requirements, along with the payment amount applicable to the Referral Event, are located at, or such other URL as Google may provide from time to time. You agree to comply with the specifications provided by Google from time to time to enable proper tracking and reporting of Referral Events in connection with Your Property. You shall not promote or facilitate a Referral Event by any means other than displaying a Referral Button on the Property, unless expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail).

o AdSense for Video. If you have elected to use AdSense for Video, Your participation is subject to your continued compliance with the AdSense for Video Program policies located at or the URL as Google may provide from time to time. All Ads (including Ads served in response to end user clicks on and queries entered into Links, if any) shall be (1) grouped by Google and displayed with Links (where applicable) to end users of the Property(ies) as Ad Unit(s) or (2) pre-, post- or interstitial roll in connection with third party video content, in each case in standard formats as offered generally by Google from time to time, as may be further described in the applicable policies. You acknowledge and agree that the Ads will be displayed on the Property in a video format approved by Google, and that such Ads: (i) shall only be displayed in connection with the Property(ies) and non-advertisement video content (collectively “Video Media”), all of which is subject to review and approval by Google in its discretion at any time; and (ii) shall only be requested in connection with end user initiated Video Media. In addition, You agree that You may only display one (1) Ad Unit within Your media player at any single time, unless otherwise approved by Google in writing.

o General; Serviced Pages; Filtering; Beta Features. You agree not to display on the same Web page in connection with which any Ad Unit, Ad, Link, Search Box, or Referral Button is displayed (a "Serviced Page") any advertisement(s) or content that an end user of Your Property(ies) would reasonably confuse with a Google advertisement or otherwise associate with Google. Certain Google services available as part of the Program may contain filtering capability, such as SafeSearch or AdSafe, that You may access through Your account. However, if You elect to enable any such filters, You acknowledge and agree that: (i) it is Your responsibility to enable such features in accordance with the specifications provided by Google, and (ii) Google does not and cannot commit that all results (including Ads, Links and Search Results) will be limited to results elected by enabling such filter(s). Some Program features are identified as “Beta” or otherwise unsupported (“Beta Features”). To the fullest extent permitted by law, Beta Features are provided "as is" and at Your option and risk. You shall not disclose to any third party any information from Beta Features, existence of non-public Beta Features or access to Beta Features. .

3. Communications Solely With Google. You agree to direct to Google, and not to any advertiser, any communication regarding any Ad(s) or Link(s) displayed in connection with Your Property(ies).

4. Parties' Responsibilities. You are solely responsible for the Property(ies), including all content and materials, maintenance and operation thereof, the proper implementation of Google's specifications, and adherence to the terms of this Agreement, including compliance with the Program Policies. Google reserves the right to investigate, at its own discretion, any activity that may violate this Agreement, including but not limited to any use of a software application to access Ads, Links, Search Results, or Referral Buttons or to complete any Referral Event, or any engagement in any activity prohibited by this Agreement. Google is not responsible for anything related to Your Property(ies), including without limitation the receipt of queries from end users of Your Property(ies) or the transmission of data between Your Property(ies) and Google. In addition, Google shall not be obligated to provide notice to You in the event that any Ad, Link, Search Result, or Referral Button is not being displayed properly to, or Referral Event is not being completed properly by, end users of the Property(ies).

5. Prohibited Uses. You shall not, and shall not authorize or encourage any third party to: (i) directly or indirectly generate queries, Referral Events, or impressions of or clicks on any Ad, Link, Search Result, or Referral Button (including without limitation by clicking on “play” for any video Ad) through any automated, deceptive, fraudulent or other invalid means, including but not limited to through repeated manual clicks, the use of robots or other automated query tools and/or computer generated search requests, and/or the unauthorized use of other search engine optimization services and/or software; (ii) edit, modify, filter, truncate or change the order of the information contained in any Ad, Link, Ad Unit, Search Result, or Referral Button, or remove, obscure or minimize any Ad, Link, Ad Unit, Search Result, or Referral Button in any way without authorization from Google; (iii) frame, minimize, remove or otherwise inhibit the full and complete display of any Web page accessed by an end user after clicking on any part of an Ad ("Advertiser Page"), any Search Results Page, or any Referral Page; (iv) redirect an end user away from any Advertiser Page, Search Results Page, or Referral Page; provide a version of the Advertiser Page, Search Results Page, or Referral Page that is different from the page an end user would access by going directly to the Advertiser Page, Search Results Page, or Referral Page; intersperse any content between the Ad and the Advertiser Page, between the page containing the Search Box and the Search Results Page, or between the Referral Button and the Referral Page; or otherwise provide anything other than a direct link from an Ad to an Advertiser Page, from the page containing the Search Box to the Search Results Page, or from the Referral Button to the Referral Page; (v) display any Ad(s), Link(s), or Referral Button(s) on any Web page or any Web site that contains any pornographic, hate-related, violent, or illegal content; (vi) directly or indirectly access, launch, and/or activate Ads, Links, Search Results, or Referral Buttons through or from, or otherwise incorporate the Ads, Links, Search Results, or Referral Buttons in, any software application, Web site, or other means other than Your Property(ies), and then only to the extent expressly permitted by this Agreement; (vii) "crawl", "spider", index or in any non-transitory manner store or cache information obtained from any Ads, Links, Search Results, or Referral Events, or any part, copy, or derivative thereto; (viii) act in any way that violates any Program Policies posted on the Google Web Site, as may be revised from time to time, or any other agreement between You and Google (including without limitation the Google AdWords program terms); (ix) disseminate malware; (x) create a new account to use the Program after Google has terminated this Agreement with You as a result of your breach of this Agreement; or (xi) engage in any action or practice that reflects poorly on Google or otherwise disparages or devalues Google’s reputation or goodwill. You acknowledge that any attempted participation or violation of any of the foregoing is a material breach of this Agreement and that we may pursue any and all applicable legal and equitable remedies against You, including an immediate suspension of Your account or termination of this Agreement, and the pursuit of all available civil or criminal remedies.

6. Termination; Cancellation. Subject to any third party agreements You may have with other Google customers (e.g., Your Web hosting company), You may stop displaying Ads, Links, Search Boxes, or Referral Buttons on any Property in the Program with or without cause at any time by removing the Google JavaScript or similar programming from Your Properties. You may terminate this Agreement with or without cause at any time by sending written notice of your desire to cancel Your participation in the Program to This Agreement will be deemed terminated within ten (10) business days of Google's receipt of Your notice. Google may investigate any activity that may violate this Agreement. Google may at any time, in its sole discretion, terminate all or part of the Program, terminate this Agreement, or suspend or terminate the participation of any Property in all or part of the Program for any reason. In addition, Google reserves the right to terminate without notice any account that has not generated a sufficient number of valid clicks on Ads or Referral Buttons or valid impressions of Ads (in each case as measured by Google) for a period of two (2) months or more. Upon termination of participation of any Property in the Program or termination of this Agreement for any reason, Sections 3, 6 through 10, and 14 through 17 shall survive termination.

7. Confidentiality. You agree not to disclose Google Confidential Information without Google's prior written consent. "Google Confidential Information" includes without limitation: (a) all Google software, technology, programming, specifications, materials, guidelines and documentation relating to the Program; (b) click-through rates or other statistics relating to Property performance in the Program provided to You by Google; and (c) any other information designated in writing by Google as "Confidential" or an equivalent designation. However, You may accurately disclose the amount of Google’s gross payments to You pursuant to the Program. Google Confidential Information does not include information that has become publicly known through no breach by You or Google, or information that has been (i) independently developed without access to Google Confidential Information, as evidenced in writing; (ii) rightfully received by You from a third party; or (iii) required to be disclosed by law or by a governmental authority.

8. No Guarantee. Google makes no guarantee regarding the level of impressions of Ads or clicks on any Ad or Referral Button, the timing of delivery of such impressions and/or clicks, the completion of Referral Events, or the amount of any payment to be made to You under this Agreement. In addition, for the avoidance of doubt, Google does not guarantee the Program will be operable at all times or during any down time (i) caused by outages to any public Internet backbones, networks or servers, (ii) caused by any failures of Your equipment, systems or local access services, (iii) for previously scheduled maintenance or (iv) relating to events beyond Google’s (or its wholly owned subsidiaries’) control such as strikes, riots, insurrection, fires, floods, explosions, war, governmental action, labor conditions, earthquakes, natural disasters, or interruptions in Internet services to an area where Google (or its wholly owned subsidiaries) or Your servers are located or co-located.


10. Limitations of Liability; Force Majeure. EXCEPT FOR ANY INDEMNIFICATION AND CONFIDENTIALITY OBLIGATIONS HEREUNDER OR YOUR BREACH OF ANY INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND/OR PROPRIETARY INTERESTS RELATING TO THE PROGRAM, (i) IN NO EVENT SHALL EITHER PARTY BE LIABLE UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANY CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INDIRECT, EXEMPLARY, OR PUNITIVE DAMAGES WHETHER IN CONTRACT, TORT OR ANY OTHER LEGAL THEORY, EVEN IF SUCH PARTY HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGES AND NOTWITHSTANDING ANY FAILURE OF ESSENTIAL PURPOSE OF ANY LIMITED REMEDY AND (ii) GOOGLE'S AGGREGATE LIABILITY TO PUBLISHER UNDER THIS AGREEMENT FOR ANY CLAIM IS LIMITED TO THE NET AMOUNT PAID BY GOOGLE TO PUBLISHER DURING THE THREE MONTH PERIOD IMMEDIATELY PRECEDING THE DATE OF THE CLAIM. Each party acknowledges that the other party has entered into this Agreement relying on the limitations of liability stated herein and that those limitations are an essential basis of the bargain between the parties. Without limiting the foregoing and except for payment obligations, neither party shall have any liability for any failure or delay resulting from any condition beyond the reasonable control of such party, including but not limited to governmental action or acts of terrorism, earthquake or other acts of God, labor conditions, and power failures.

11. Payment. You shall receive a payment related to the number of valid clicks on Ads, the number of valid impressions of Ads, the number of valid completions of Referral Events initiated through Referral Buttons displayed in connection with Your Property(ies), and/or other events performed in connection with the display of Ads on Your Property(ies), in each case as determined by Google for its participants in the Program. If You have elected to receive Search Results, this payment will be offset by fees applicable to Search Results. Unless otherwise agreed to by the parties in writing (including by electronic mail), payments to You shall be sent by Google within approximately thirty (30) days after the end of each calendar month that Ads or Referral Buttons are running on Your Property or that Ads are running on Search Results Pages if Your earned balance is $100 or more. In the event the Agreement is terminated, Google shall pay Your earned balance to You within approximately ninety (90) days after the end of the calendar month in which the Agreement is terminated by You (following Google's receipt of Your written request, including by email, to terminate the Agreement) or by Google. In no event, however, shall Google make payments for any earned balance less than $10. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Google shall not be liable for any payment based on: (a) any amounts which result from invalid queries, invalid Referral Events, or invalid clicks or impressions on Ads generated by any person, bot, automated program or similar device, as reasonably determined by Google, including without limitation through any clicks or impressions (i) originating from Your IP addresses or computers under Your control, (ii) solicited by payment of money, false representation, or request for end users to click on Ads, or (iii) solicited by payment of money, false representation, or any illegal or otherwise invalid request for end users to complete Referral Events; (b) Ads or Referral Buttons delivered to end users whose browsers have JavaScript disabled; (c) Ads benefiting charitable organizations and other placeholder or transparent Ads that Google may deliver; or (d) clicks co-mingled with a significant number of invalid clicks described in (a) above, or as a result of any breach of this Agreement by You for any applicable pay period. Google reserves the right to withhold payment or charge back Your account due to any of the foregoing or any breach of this Agreement by You, pending Google's reasonable investigation of any of the foregoing or any breach of this Agreement by You, or in the event that an advertiser whose Ads are displayed in connection with Your Property(ies) defaults on payment for such Ads to Google. In addition, if You are past due on any payment to Google in connection with any Google program (including without limitation the Google AdWords program), Google reserves the right to withhold payment until all outstanding payments have been made or to offset amounts owed to You in connection with the Program by amounts owed by You to Google. To ensure proper payment, You are solely responsible for providing and maintaining accurate address and other contact information as well as payment information associated with Your account. For U.S. taxpayers, this information includes without limitation a valid U.S. tax identification number and a fully-completed Form W-9. For non-U.S. taxpayers, this information includes without limitation either a signed certification that the taxpayer does not have U.S. Activities (as described on the Google AdSense: Tax Information located at , or such other URL as Google may provide from time to time) or a fully-completed Form W-8 or other form, which may require a valid U.S. tax identification number, as required by the U.S. tax authorities. Any bank fees related to returned or cancelled checks due to a contact or payment information error or omission may be deducted from the newly issued payment. You agree to pay all applicable taxes or charges imposed by any government entity in connection with Your participation in the Program. Google may change its pricing and/or payment structure at any time. If You dispute any payment made under the Program, You must notify Google in writing within thirty (30) days of any such payment; failure to so notify Google shall result in the waiver by You of any claim relating to any such disputed payment. Payment shall be calculated solely based on records maintained by Google. No other measurements or statistics of any kind shall be accepted by Google or have any effect under this Agreement. The payments made under this Agreement are for use by You only and may not be transferred or in any manner passed on to any third party (i.e., distributed to Properties managed by You that require separate payments) unless expressly authorized in writing by Google (including by electronic mail). From time to time Google may be holding funds, payments and other amounts due to You in connection with the AdSense Program. You acknowledge and agree that Google may, without further notice to You, contribute to a charitable organization selected by Google all funds, payments and other amounts related to the AdSense Program that are held by Google and that are due to you (if any), but which Google is unable to pay or deliver to You because Your account is Inactive (as defined below). “Inactive” means that, based on Google’s records: (a) for a period of two (2) years or more You have not logged into your account or accepted funds, payments or other amounts that Google has attempted to pay or deliver to You, and (b) Google has been unable to reach You, or has not received adequate payment instructions from You, after contacting You at the address shown in Google’s records.

12. Publicity. You agree that Google may use Your name and logo in presentations, marketing materials, customer lists, financial reports, Web site listings of customers, Search Results Pages, and Referral Pages. If You wish to use Google's trade names, trademarks, service marks, logos, domain names, and other distinctive brand features ("Brand Features"), You may do so, so long as such use is in compliance with this Agreement and in compliance with Google's then current Brand Feature use guidelines, and any content contained or referenced therein, which guidelines may be found at the following URL: (or such other URL Google may provide from time to time).

13. Representations and Warranties. You represent and warrant that (a) all of the information provided by You to Google to enroll in the Program is correct and current; (b) You are the owner of each Property or You are legally authorized to act on behalf of the owner of such Property(ies) for the purposes of this Agreement and the Program; (c) You have all necessary right, power, and authority to enter into this Agreement and to perform the acts required of You hereunder; and (d) You have complied and will continue to comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations (including without limitation the CAN-SPAM Act of 2003 and any relevant data protection or privacy laws) in Your performance of any acts hereunder. In addition, to the extent that Your Site is a media player (1) You represent and warrant that You have a valid license to use and distribute such media player (including all content therein, including without limitation any Ads or Ad Units) for the purposes of this Agreement and the Program; and (2) You shall ensure that any media player(s) that constitute the Site shall comply with the terms and conditions set forth herein. You further represent and warrant that each Property and any material displayed therein: (i) comply with all applicable laws, statutes, ordinances, and regulations; (ii) do not breach and have not breached any duty toward or rights of any person or entity including, without limitation, rights of intellectual property, publicity or privacy, or rights or duties under consumer protection, product liability, tort, or contract theories; and (iii) are not pornographic, hate-related or otherwise violent in content.

14. Your Obligation to Indemnify. You agree to indemnify, defend and hold Google, its agents, affiliates, subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, and applicable third parties (e.g. relevant advertisers, syndication partners, licensors, licensees, consultants and contractors) (collectively "Indemnified Person(s)") harmless from and against any and all third party claims, liability, loss, and expense (including damage awards, settlement amounts, and reasonable legal fees), brought against any Indemnified Person(s), arising out of, related to or which may arise from Your use of the Program, the Property(ies), and/or Your breach of any term of this Agreement.

15. Google Rights. You acknowledge that Google owns all right, title and interest, including without limitation all Intellectual Property Rights (as defined below), in and to the Program (including Google's ad serving technology, search technology, referral technology, and Brand Features, including implied licenses, and excluding items licensed by Google from third parties and excluding any third party media player that may comprise the Property), and that You will not acquire any right, title, or interest in or to the Program except as expressly set forth in this Agreement. You will not modify, adapt, translate, prepare derivative works from, decompile, reverse engineer, disassemble or otherwise attempt to derive source code from any Google services, software, or documentation, or create or attempt to create a substitute or similar service or product through use of or access to the Program or proprietary information related thereto. You will not remove, obscure, or alter Google's copyright notice, Brand Features, or other proprietary rights notices affixed to or contained within any Google services, software, or documentation (including without limitation the display of Google’s Brand Features with Ads, Links, Search Boxes, Search Results, and/or Referral Buttons, as applicable). "Intellectual Property Rights" means any and all rights existing from time to time under patent law, copyright law, semiconductor chip protection law, moral rights law, trade secret law, trademark law, unfair competition law, publicity rights law, privacy rights law, and any and all other proprietary rights, as well as, any and all applications, renewals, extensions, restorations and re-instatements thereof, now or hereafter in force and effect worldwide.

16. Information Rights. Google may retain and use, subject to the terms of the Google Privacy Policy (located at, or such other URL as Google may provide from time to time), all information You provide, including but not limited to Property demographics and contact and billing information. You agree that Google may transfer and disclose to third parties personally identifiable information about You for the purpose of approving and enabling Your participation in the Program, including to third parties that reside in jurisdictions with less restrictive data laws than Your own. Google may also provide information in response to valid legal process, such as subpoenas, search warrants and court orders, or to establish or exercise its legal rights or defend against legal claims. Google disclaims all responsibility, and will not be liable to You, however, for any disclosure of that information by any such third party. Google may share non-personally-identifiable information about You, including Property URLs, Property-specific statistics and similar information collected by Google, with advertisers, business partners, sponsors, and other third parties. In addition, You grant Google the right to access, index and cache the Property(ies), or any portion thereof, including by automated means including Web spiders or crawlers.

17. Miscellaneous. This Agreement shall be governed by the laws of California, except for its conflicts of laws principles. Any dispute or claim arising out of or in connection with this Agreement shall be adjudicated in Santa Clara County, California. The parties specifically exclude from application to the Agreement the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the Uniform Computer Information Transactions Act. This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between the parties with respect to the subject matter hereof. Any modifications to this Agreement must be made in a writing executed by both parties, by Your online acceptance of updated terms, or after Your continued participation in the Program after such terms have been updated by Google. The failure to require performance of any provision shall not affect a party's right to require performance at any time thereafter, nor shall a waiver of any breach or default of this Agreement constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach or default or a waiver of the provision itself. If any provision herein is held unenforceable, then such provision will be modified to reflect the parties' intention, and the remaining provisions of this Agreement will remain in full force and effect. You may not resell, assign, or transfer any of Your rights hereunder. Any such attempt may result in termination of this Agreement, without liability to Google. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Google may assign this Agreement to any affiliate at any time without notice. The relationship between Google and You is not one of a legal partnership relationship, but is one of independent contractors.

Adsense Membership Sites - are They your Password to Adsense Domination?

If you are one of those webmasters who can't get a check every month from Google adsense and think that nothing is harder than adsense, you must be doing something wrong. Want to know how they do it?

Adsense is an easy way to pay your web hosting bills and membership site subscriptions. Your adsense checks can also help you with your ongoing education since the Internet is evolving so fast.

I am sure you think that there is a secret to make money with adsense
. The truth is that there is not what we call a closed guarded secret to make money with Google as your partner.

Everything that can make you money or increase your adsense income is widely discussed about on various Internet marketing and other work at home forums. Even better than those, specific forums and discussion board are purely dedicated to adsense.

If it wasn't enough, Google itself has a blog about adsense and give you a complete free adsense education.

If you are not taping in all these resource, it is normal that you don't make a lot of money with adsense if any.

On top of that, savvy Internet marketers profit from the adsense craze and sell guides and adsense membership sites to help you making more money with adsense.

Those membership sites are not different than public forums ecxept for the following: They save you a lot of time. It can be your best option if you have more time than money.

These adsense membership sites help you with the following:

1) Videos or Ebooks tutorial for beginners

Those are created for people who never heard about adsense and don't even know how to buy a domain name.

2) Monthly templates for blog and webistes

It consist in getting several packs or ready made websites each and ever month. These sites can come preloaded with articles (PLR) or free articles from article sites. If they come with free articles, you will lose money since your visitors will click on these resource boxes links... and leave your site.

It is better to get PLR and modify them a little bit (at least %25) if you don't want to be caught in the duplicate content madness.

3) Ebooks and video tutorial to get more traffic to your adsense sites

As we said above, there is no adsense secret! Traffic plus adsense clicks = money. It is a simple equation.

Those ebooks and video tutorials will help you to get thousands of visitors a month to your sites since they focus on proven strategies to increase traffic to your website.

To really make money with adsense, there is no doubt that you need more than one website. If you can quickly set up one site every day that run on autopilot and make $2 a day, with thirty sites you will make $60 a day.

That's $1800 a month! If you want more, build more websites. I think that you understand haw a adsense membership site can help you to get big adsense checks.

Google Adsense: Having Multiple Sites For One Account

Yes. In fact, the more sites you have displaying Google Adsense ads, the more money you will make. You don't even have to notify Google of the new sites. Make sure though, that any new site you add conforms to Google Adsense Program Policies, because if your account gets terminated for any reason, you would not be able to display the Google Adsense ads on any of them.

All you have to do is copy and past the same ad layout code you previously copied and pasted to your original site.

The same rules apply when adding an Adsense for Search box to your new site. Simply choose all the parameters from the choices displayed, copy the code to the new site or new pages within the old site. As in the beginning, Google's webcrawler will detect the code and you're all set.

Will It Help Me to Buy Google Adsense "Secrets" E-books and Reports?

As with any money-making venture, there are pitfalls, pros and cons and some outright cons. As popular as Google Adsense has become, it's no surprise there is a wealth of information for sale. Try it. Google Google Adsense and you'll see what I mean. There are those promising they make thousands and thousands of dollars a month from Google Adsense and they are willing to share their "secrets" with you - for a price.

The fact is Google Adsense will tell you everything you need to know - for free. They have a support site that covers virtually everything you would need to know about the program and experience will teach you the rest, although I admit I have seen a couple of interesting books on How can you find high paying keywords for your site? Free $97 Secret Adsense Book at

There are a lot of people out there in cyberspace who will gladly answer your questions for free and there are many forums where you can post questions. You can even email the Google Adsense Support Staff if you have questions that their Support Site doesn't answer.

Experience will probably be your best teacher anyway. And the good news is the Google Adsense program makes that experience painless in that you have nothing lose. So just take a chance on yourself for now. Learn everything you can to maximize your earning potential.

Adsense Tips - Make More Money From Your Website

If you're fed up with making peanuts from Adsense, then here's a few Adsense tips to get your income up and running.

Do you have plenty of good content on your site - and by that I mean keyword-rich content? To make good money with Adsense you should be aiming for at least 50-100 pages on your site - all of them with at least 500 words of content.

If you're not sure what a keyword is, visit Overture or Wordtracker and do some simple research there as to what keywords people are typing into the search engines. Each page should be optimized for at least one keyword, but the idea of sprinkling a few minor keywords through your pages will attract you instant traffic whilst you wait to rank for the more competitive keywords. Many people don't even think of the one obvious place to get advice, which is from Google themselves! They have plenty of free resources to help you make the most of Adsense, including the "heatmap" which will help you to place your ads in the most profitable position.
You can also just type in "Free Adsense Keywords" to the search engines and you'll find plenty of websites offering you free keywords as an incentive to sign up to their program. You won't have to pay a cent and this'll get you started on finding high paying keywords.

More Web Site Traffic
If you've already got good content that's keyword rich, then work to increase your search engine traffic.
First, ensure that you are listed in the major search engines. If you're listed but simply not getting any traffic, there's some easy ways to get more search engine traffic in just days:-

* Build links to your site - personally I use Link Metro to get those first links up and running and this means that the search engines naturally find and index your site
* Write and submit articles to the article directories. Within 24 hours of submitting an article you can have a flood of targeted search engine traffic arriving at your site
* Continue to add content - either through more pages, articles or by writing a blog. If you update your blog regularly and then ping it using Pingomatic, you'll find you'll be getting plenty of free traffic.
* Add to this by submitting your blog to the blog directories and you'll increase your blog site traffic even further. So, don't forget to put the Adsense code on your blog pages too!
* Traffic Exchanges - using a traffic exchange such as the popular Traffic Swarm is an easy way of gaining more web site traffic

Ban Proof Your Site
Make sure that neither you nor any of your friends, relatives and work colleagues accidentally or deliberately click on your site. It's worth telling them that by clicking on your site they're not helping you but may get you banned from Google!

Adsense Tracking
If you're serious about Adsense, then tracking the keywords which are making you the most money and developing additional content around those keywords is a must. The addition of some simple code to your site can be a real eyeopener as to just where and how you are making money.
If you're not ready for this just yet, consider using the channels that Google offer to monitor how each page is doing.

Click Through Rate
Well, as you'll probably know, due to Google's terms of service, no-one is allowed to discuss their actual click through rates (CTR's). However, by simply using the Google heatmap you can improve a dire CTR (by that, I mean anything less than 3%).
If your CTR is already doing OK but you'd love to boost it further, then investing in resources provided by the Adsense expert will be an investment you can literally recoup in days or hours.

Learn from the Adsense Experts
With so many sites competing to share the latest Adsense secrets with you, many authors offer incentives to let you see just what they have to offer.

Adsense experts like Joel Comm, Michael Cheney, Jonathan Leger, William Charlwood and even the Adsense Jerk himself - occasionally offer free e-courses that give you plenty of hints and tips on increasing your Google Adsense income.

For the latest information on Adsense, visit more Google Adsense secrets from the experts.

To get a free email mini-course on how to make the most money from your site, visit Make More Money from my Website.

Google AdSense - This is How You Can Earn $10,000 a Month From AdSense

If your goal is to make $10,000 a month from AdSense this would mean that you would have to make $328 a day.

On the face of it, this sounds like quite a steep target but broken down as follows it is entirely possible.

Therefore to earn $328 a day you could have any of the following scenarios;

* 1 website with 328 pages which earn $1 a day each or
* 2 websites with 328 pages each which earn $0.50c a day each or
* 1 website with 656 pages which earn $0.50c a day each or
* 4 websites with only 41 pages each which earn $2 a day each or
* 1 website with 1312 pages which earn $0.25c a day each or

To earn $1 a day per page, in terms of traffic & CTR, you need any of the following;

* 400 visitors at a 5% CTR (Click Through Rate) with a 5c earnings per click
* 200 visitors at a 10% CTR with a 5c earnings per click or
* 100 visitors at a 10% CTR, with a 10c earnings per click or
* 100 visitors at a 5% CTR, with a 20c earnings per click or
* 26 visitors at a 15% CTR, with a 25c earnings per click or

Notwithstanding the above, before you start making really good money with AdSense you are probably going to make some mistakes which is perfectly OK as long as you learn from them.

Naturally traffic volume is a key component to reaching your AdSense revenue target, but it's a good idea to concentrate on improving CTR or CPC so that when the traffic comes it will convert into more clicks and more money for you.

How To Convert Content Into Cash With Google Adsense

Fact number 1: Housewives, retirees, mom and dads, who are just staying at home and have never made a dime on the internet have created full-time incomes by simply placing Adsense ads on their web site or blog.

Fact number 2: Kids in high school are making thousands of dollars every month with Adsense. These are just some of the "super Adsense earners". You may have already heard about their story for they are among the few who are on their way to making millions worth of cash just by promoting Adsense sites.

Anyone, any age and gender can become money generating Adsense publishers as long as they have what it takes. How does one go about this Internet advertising?

Writing articles for Adsense is the way to do it. Using the right keywords in your articles and having Google ads on a certain site has become the most profitable way of marketing that anybody can get into. No experience and level of education needed. If you are not using this strategy, or may not be aware of it in the first place, chances are you may be losing thousands of dollars worth of extra income and still do not know it yet.

This is one of the many reasons why writing original quality content articles is now the latest in marketing buzz. Content and links. When combined together becomes a really powerful tool to a successful web site and richer individuals. Many internet marketing professionals are already aware of the value of an original quality content and how using keywords can drive targeted traffic into their sites from the search engines.

So why don’t all these web site owners write and submit their own articles if that is what is important? The simple and understandable answer is that it takes time to write articles, submit them and get targeted traffic to their websites. That is why they get the services of those who can spares sometime to write the articles that would cater to their site purpose but still turn out as a good quality and unique piece of work.

To get into the Adsense marketing business and start earning some good cash, ask yourself. Did you enjoy writing when you were in school? If you answer yes to this question, you already have an initial advantage over most internet marketing business owners that wants to make money online and doing it at home.

With the boom in the Adsense market comes the need for sites to want fresh, quality and original keyword rich content. This way, web site owners can have a steady supply of articles with the proper keywords that they relate to their site contents. The result of this is seen in the sites page rank when indexed by the search engines. Which, in turn, gets moreAdsense ads to show above, below or next to the article on their website with targeted traffic.
What do people have to do?

Write quality and original content, keyword or phrase rich articles with links to your website in the resource box. Then build a website or web page with targeted keyword or phrase rich original content for the targeted traffic that originates from the articles you wrote. Finally, you will have a Google Adsense ads that are targeted to your keyword or phrase rich original content site where visitors will get to visit when they come looking for information.

A win-win situation if you think more about it. A favor for persons looking for quality content and information. For the persons writing the original content articles. And the person with the quality original content rich website. Of course, the search engines and its advertisers are getting targeted traffic and sales but so what? As long as you are getting something in your favor, it does not really matter what the others are getting for themselves.

So who else wants to start earning money with Adsense. You. Everyone. Anybody. Internet marketing has many opportunities wide open for this people. Writing articles and using Adsense for your kind of internet marketing strategy is one sure way of getting a piece of that action and cash.

Better not be left behind the many making millions already.

Google Adsense Tips and Tricks

I've been on the trial of new ideas and methods to increase my own Google Adsense earnings.

As I did the research I came across some strange realizations about myself. Some of the simple and easy web site amendments I'd forgotten to implement. This threw up a question mark over my own ability to remember. I laughed and realized that hopefully such foolish errors shouldn't happen again

A few simple ideas that came to mind, that so often I had forgotten were these:

When constructing an Adsense web page, it is always best to start with the keyword or phrase that you're intending to use, and use it in 6 important places. Google considers these six important areas when deciding which adsense ads to display upon your site.

With that in mind, we don't want irrelevant adverts being used upon our websites do we? Otherwise nobody will click on them. What's the likelihood of someone clicking on a 'Property For Sale in Italy' when they are looking for a property in London? Here are those 6 important considerations that Google use...

Priority one - is to use the key word in the website page name 'cum' extension. Don't use for example - - it should be -

Priority two - is to use the word or word phrase in the html 'title' meta tags. That is Adsense Secrets. In Microsoft Front Page every new web page built is initially given by default, a meta tag of - New Page 1. This needs to very specifically your word or word phrase only.

Whilst we are on meta tags I'll mention 'Priority 6', albeit out of order. The key description has been abused in the past where people have been adding 200 keywords in the tag area. Just build a page specific to the key or phrase; and put the key alone within that tag : . Many search engine optimizers have argued whether this tag has much use anymore. I'm one to say, better safe than sorry.

Whilst still on meta tags it would also seem prudent to mention the word or phrase in the meta tag description. Whilst it will not add to your SEO or your adsense directly; indirectly it will. Here is an example - Such a description is what the search engines pick out to display in the listings. A good description including your key will attract people to click on your website link.

Priority three - heading tags. That is the h1, h2 etc ... Avoid using a heading like this: Today's Special Offers. You would be better including the Google-Key within the title, like this: Today's Best Deals on Property in London.

Priority four - making your Google-Key bold. Your Google-Key or phrase density should be between 2 to 5%; any more than that and you may be accused of spamming your Google-Key. On a page with a 1,000 words, I would say that making every keyword bold maybe too much. Just make the first two mentions of it bold, and then the very last mention bold.

Priority five - making you keywords either italic or underlined. Intermingled with the bold it is good to italicize sometimes and underline another.

(Note: For readers... My density for the word 'keyword' was too high for this article, so I've used slight variations. Proof if you ever needed it that too many mentions of one word or phrase could be considered as spam).

I hope this journey I made was helpful to you too, something so obvious, but easily forgotten. It makes tweaking your site worthwhile again.

Google Adsense - it Can Pay Your Mortgage if You Get it Right

We can all sit back too frequently and wonder how we are going to increase our adsense earnings. Yet most of us who are trying, forget the basic essentials of optimization before we start building our web pages. Allow me to explain...

Have you ever visited your own site and been a little disappointed as to which adsense adverts are showing? What is the likelihood of clicking on these irreverent adverts? Zero!

What we really need to achieve is precision, or as close to it as we can obtain. To achieve this objective we need to understand how Google works. When the Google spider crawls your site to determine which adverts to display it must be concerned ONLY about the content.

A few prominent online business people have speculated that not much optimization is necessary, but I sense that is their justification for not being bothered, plus they are not 'Google Adsense' experts. Here is the answer...

Priority one - is to use the 'main' word in the website page name 'cum' extension. Don't use for example - - it should be -, or whichever your subject is.

Priority two - is to use the word or word phrase in the html 'title' meta tags. That is Google Adsense Secrets. In Microsoft Front Page every new web page built is initially given by default, a meta tag of - New Page 1. This needs to very specifically your word or word phrase only.

Whilst we are on meta tags I'll mention 'Priority 6', albeit out of order. The key description has been abused in the past where people have been adding 200 words in the tag area. Just build a page specific to the key or phrase; and put the key alone within that tag : . Many search engine optimizers have argued whether this tag has much use anymore. I'm one to say, better safe than sorry.

Whilst still on meta tags it would also seem prudent to mention the word or phrase in the meta tag description. Such a description is what the search engines pick out to display in the listings. A good description including your key will attract people to click on your website link over and above choosing another website first.

Priority three - heading tags. That is the h1, h2 etc ... Avoid using a heading like this: Today's Special Offers. You would be better including the Google-Key within the title, like this: Property in London - Here are Today's Specials.

Priority four - making your Google-Key bold. Your Google-Key or phrase density should be between 2 to 5%; any more than that and you may be accused of spamming your Google-Key. On a page with a 1,000 words, I would say that making every keyword bold maybe too much. Just make the first two mentions of it bold, and then the very last mention bold.

Priority five - making you keywords either italic or underlined. Intermingled with the bold it is good to italicize sometimes and underline another.

How to build profitable adsense sites fast

How to build profitable adsense sites fast.

Recently we have seen a lot of adsense sites and related products springing up everywhere on the web. From how to build adsense sites fast to "tested and tried adsense secrets" ebooks. Also, there are software for building thousands of adsense sites in record time using reprinted articles.

However, nobody is telling you how to make these adsense sites profitable. Well I want to do that in this article.

Firstly, lets look at the obstacle you have to overcome before you can make your adsense sites profitable. to build hundreds of content sites in a very short amount of time. to name your sites and not attract the attention of the search engines. to host your adsense sites and not attract the special attention of the search engines.

4.New sites have to over come the Google sandbox phenemenon. You have to wait for your new adsense sites to be indexed,listed and appear in Google serps for you to even think of earning money from the sites. This could take anywhere from 3 to 4 months.

5.How do you get your sites indexed in the first place?. Submitting your sites using the Google submission page is outdated. Most major search engines now crawl sites from incoming links found in other sites. So how do you get links on other sites pointing to your sites.

6.How do you identify profitable keywords that you will use to build your sites?. You need high demand keywords to input in your sites to be able to generate the kind of clicks on your adsense ads that will bring in substancial amount of adsense revenue.

7.How do you make your new profitable keywords sites compete with the established sites?. Remember that profitable keywords are high demand keywords therefore, very hard to rank high in search engines.

8.How do you link your various sites so that you don't get into trouble with the searh engines?.

9.How do you use reprinted articles in your thousands of sites so that it does not look like everyother Dick and Harry's site and reduce the relevance of your sites?.

These are very important questions you will have to address before you can start dreaming of hugh adsense earnings fast. However, you can go the slow route and build good, unique content sites that will last longer and earn you revenue for long time even after adsense craze has died down. But this will take you years to do.

Now lets look at how you can build these profitable adsense sites fast. How you can overcome all the obstacles listed above. This is by no means a simple and easy tasks I tell you. But the reward is money,money and plent of adsense money. You will also need some tools that will make the job easier. These tools will be shown to you at the bottom of this article.

Firstly, you need a software that can build hundreds of your adsense sites fast using reprinted articles. The software should be able to fetch reprinted articles from article sites, format these articles and create pages using your own templates. It is important you use your own template because you don't want to look like everyother person using the same articles. However, if you don't want to use other peoples articles on your site, you can write them yourself (herculean tasks indeed if you have to build hundreds of sites), or you can hire ghost writers at to write these articles at very reasonable rates. There is one ebook that teaches how to hire ghost writers easily and at cheap rates. This is a better option than using articles from article sites. These articles are not keyword rich, their keyword densities are very poor and they are not well optimized for good seach engine ranking. Check at the bottom of this article for where to get the software and ebook.

The domain names for your sites should be your main keyword for that site. You are going to optimize each page using one keyword. You want the adsense ads to recognize your page for that one keyword so tha it delivers ads based on that one keyword. Use hyphen for your domain names. Register your domain names for at least 2 years so hat you do not raise a red flag for Google.

Host your sites on different hosts servers. This will aid you in your link structure. You are going to link your various sites in such a way that some sites receive many links than others. The ones with hundreds of incoming links are the money makers. There are very cheap web host. Do a search for "$1.99 hosting" and you will get them. You can check for how long they have been in the hosting business by gong to

There is the Google sandbox phenemenon. There is nothing you can do about that. Wait it out. Use the waiting time to write articles for your different sites, submitting your sites to directories, (here is a comprehensive list of article submission sites at, ), doing reciprocal linking, buying links(if you can) doing seo for your sites etc.

How do you identify profitable keywords? you can subscribe to some membership sites that research and offer these high demand ( profitable ) keywords to their members. Or if you want to do the research yourself, go to re - ( a site that helps you see what folks are paying for ads on Overture ).

Armed with your high demand keywords, you then build not too many web sites with these keywords. These sites will be your money makers. But remember that it is difficult ranking high for these keywords at the free search engines. so you will build hundreds of sites with low demand keywords that are related to your high demand keywords and send traffic to your high demand keyword sites from your low demand keyword sites.

When you write articles,let the link in your resource box point to your low demand keywords sites. So that you can build link popularity fast and then link to your high demand keywords sites from your low demand keywords sites. This way you have hundreds of links pointing to your few high demand keywords sites. So you archieve two things by doing so. One , you send traffic to your high demand keywords site and two, you build the link popularity of your high demand keyword sites. This will enable these high demand keywords sites compete favorably with other sites at the free search engines.

To cap it all.

What you are doing is basically building sites that will funel traffic as well as one way links to your high demand keyword sites using some very good resources for building your sites fast and obtaining the latest profitable keywords fast. Note that there are others ways to do this. But this is the safest way without getting your websites banned from the search engines.

Adsense Good or Bad

I have often pondered this question?

Here are my own basic thoughts on the complex subject.

Most websites I visit have some kind of adsense system running; I would estimate that some of these are making good money from the Google system. Certainly sites with over 1000 visitors per day should receive a small amount of revenue.

Generally I believe the adsense system is a good one, however like most things these days the adsense system has been misused by individuals who fully understand how search engines work; unfortunately these people have already made their money. These people have used many tactics in the past to raise their sites page ranking, thus ensuring more visitors, more visitors means more revenue from the system. These sites are generally kept open for a few months and then closed down, with the next one instantly opened up. This practice has been going on for years. The sites are even sold daily on EBay; I would imagine they are just about to be banned.

What normally happens when a few people misuse a system is it leads to others suffering, and in this case it has happened. Google is sandboxing new sites for longer. Saying this company had to act, they have now introduced the ‘Big Daddy’ update. This update has affected sites that have large numbers of irrelevant links or millions of irrelevant web pages. Unfortunately it has also affected the ranking of genuine businesses; hopefully this is just a temporary blip. My own opinion is the internet should be a level playing field for everyone; however I somehow doubt it ever will be.

Visit now -

I believe there is a place for adsense on most sites as long as it is discrete, well set up and does not look out of place, (fonts, colours etc), The main thing to think about is what do you want from your visitors. Most sites offer a product to potential customers. This causes the dilemma of balancing potential revenue from adsense against losing a potential customer, what I mean by this is, a visitor may be interested in your site, however you could lose them instantly to Google. This is why in my opinion is if your site has a product you are selling, you should never employ adsense on your homepage.

In conclusion I like the system, it is easy to set up and user friendly. I hope Google manage to filter out the unethical element who in the end will only spoil things for everyone.

About the author - Peter Arkwright recently retired from the military, he is now the Managing Director of

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5 AdSense Secrets for Maximum Profit

You can spend hundreds of dollars on various AdSense secrets and programs that either won't work or will simply be rehashed material covering the same basic principles.

Just like the traffic-growing cliche, "content is kind," if you apply some simple and consistent techniques to your AdSense campaigns, you can maximize your website's earning potential, without sacrificing quality or integrity.

1. Narrow your niche. Choosing a well-defined and focused topic for your website or blog has numerous benefits, including Google serving up highly targeted ads to your visitors. People are more likely to click on ads that pertain to exactly what they're looking for or that relate to the same service/product that drew them to your site in the first place.
2. Don't ramble. In keeping with the same concept as above, not only is it a good idea to narrow your niche, but, also, keep your posts and articles focused and on topic as well. If you ramble off on unrelated tangents and sidebars, Google will have a harder time determining what exactly you're writing about.
3. More eyes equals more clicks. Naturally, more traffic means more impressions and more clicks. Don't spend all of your time and energy on ads, without also concentrating on building your content and website traffic. Traffic and AdSense revenue certainly go hand in hand and complement each other well, and you can build both at the same time.
4. Do your homework. The ads shown on your site are based on an advertiser bidding on very specific keywords. Scope out your competition and see what keywords they seem to be targeting, then choose similar words and phrases to ensure you're attracting the highest-paying ads for your site.
5. Test, test, test...then, test some more! This is, by far, the most important secret for increasing your AdSense revenue, but so many people ignore it, because they find it tedious and boring. True, the initial process of testing locations, colors, sizes, and the infinite combinations of all three can be very time-consuming, but it can mean the difference between $100 per month and $1000 per month if you find the perfect formula for your website. Plus, you only need to do the heavy testing one time, then you can make minor tweaks here and there as time goes on to ensure your profits are always maximized.

If you use these AdSense secrets effectively, Google may end up paying your bills!

Adsense Secrets

Pst! Wanna know some Adsense secrets? The only secret is that there are no secrets per se!

Do a search for Adsense secrets and you will be bombarded by a myriad of ads by trying to sell you the answers to making lots of money with Adsense.

Before you buy anything, my advise to you would be to do some research on a search engine and a bit of common sense. There are literally hundreds of forums where you can pick up valuable information, as well as hundreds of articles that have been written on the subject of Adsense.

Most of the answers are out there for you to find it you will put in a little bit of work. If you buy any of the ebooks available out there, you might find one little nugget of information that you may not have seen anywhere else, but I promise you: most of the time everything is out here on the Internet - all you have to do is search for it. Here are some of the search terms that I personally have used with great results:

increase adsense income

increase your adsense income

adsense experiments

adsense adsense tricks

adsense tips

What I can tell you from my own experience is this:

1. Ads at the top of the page and on the left of the page perfom better than any other ads. (Take a look at the "heatmap" from the Google link below)

2. Ads without background colour and borders perfom better than ads within borders with background colour.

3. Ads within content pages perform better than any other ads.

4. A search box on every page gives you another chance for earning Adsense income.

5. A blue link at the top of the ad, the ad in black, and the url also in black so that it blends in with the ad copy - also tends to perform well. A black url makes the link stand out and gives you a better chance of someone clicking on it.

Google has brought out some great Adsense optimization tips. You can read it here: Google Adsense optimization tips

Experiment with your settings and see which brings you the best results. Google's reporting has become a lot better in the last month or so, so you should instantly be able to see which ads result in better CTR.

To increase your site traffic, which obviously will increase your Adsense income, the best way to get traffic is to have fresh content at your site. Write your own articles and submit it to article directories like Go Articles etc. To find more article directories, just do a search for "free article directory submissions" on a search engine like Google.

Another way would be to publish articles by other authors that are relevant to your site content. You can find free articles all over the web by once again doing a search for e.g. "free site content".

Do this on a regular basis and watch your traffic (and your income) increase.

Google AdSense Secrets For High Profits in Your Internet Business

Of the many streams of income from the Internet, Google AdSense is the simplest and easiest to start. Google AdSense is a program run by an Internet company called Google. This program provides a platform for website publishers to display Google adverts and make money from it easily. This is how it works: Google AdWords Marketers will pay Google to display their keywords on relevant sites for potential customers to click on and possibly buy the products/services. The mere action of clicking is what you the publisher makes money from i.e. the money paid for the ads on your site is shared between Google and you the publisher. It does not really matter whether the customer bought anything or not. Just to click on the ads and go to the sites and click away. But there is a top secret which every website marketer needs to know if he wants to make a lot of money in this business.

This closely guarded top secret is to tailor each website solely for certain highly paying keyword! You can find these expensive keywords by searching for them on the Internet using a software specially designed for this by Google. The software is called Google Keyword Generator. From the keyword statistics generated by this software, select highly paying keywords, write on them and publish on your website. It is a common experience to see keywords that pays as high as $0.50 - $5.00. Big or small the amount of money you get from publishing keywords in this range adds up very quickly. True! That is the secret key to success.

Search for expensive keywords and create websites or tailor your present website to match these keywords. Display relevant AdSense ads on it (this is done automatically by Google after you have registered and received Google AdSense Code and place the code on your site in the correct way), and sit back and watch your cashflow. In addition, you need to horn your skills in driving traffic to the site, get your keyword littered all over your site - but ensure it is not too much or too little, somewhere in between and place the AdSense ads at the proper positions, then you go home and sleep. You will soon wake up to find your pot of gold overflowing!

7 Google AdSense Secrets - That Fire Up Your Profits Immediately!

Google is offering one of the most popular methods of marketing on the Internet today. Google AdSense is now commonplace among active Internet marketers. It is the biggest platform for advertising on the Internet. But what are the Google AdSense secrets to success in the Internet marketing industry?

As any marketing strategist would tell you, you have to make sure that your ads are attractive and catchy. You don't have to make it stand out, really. You just have to make sure your ads are congruent with your website that it blends in. These give an idea of authenticity and not just spam ads on your website.

Make sure that you are using the right ad type and size. You might just be using too small an ad size to promote your product. Small ad sizes are not going to be effective especially when you have the entire text sprawled on your screen. Make sure the ad is proportionate and well laid-out on your web page. It has to fit in a location where it will be seen and drawn attention to.

As mentioned earlier, your ad has to have a good location. Placing it high on the page is a good idea since it will be the first thing that a visitor will be seeing on your website. You don't have to place it too high that it actually is totally ignored. You can place it right on eye level where the website visitor will immediately be able to see it.

Another of the Google AdSense secrets is to use images. Images help attract the attention of the visitor. Compared to text, the average person is attracted to more graphics than something to read. Of course, this means more potential people to click on the advertisement.

One more thing that you have to remember is to monitor your click-through rate. This helps measure the effectiveness of the advertisement. This will help you determine if you are making real profit from your ads. Make sure that your ads are making at least 5%.

Another thing that you can try to avoid is standard types of ads. As what was mentioned earlier, you have to have the right ad size and type to make it really effective. However, you have to know that most people are ad-blind, especially the web-savvy people. So you can try checking out AdSense's most effective ad sizes to give you an idea of what really works and doesn't.

Last of the Google AdSense secrets that you have to know is to make sure that the content of the ad is relevant and not misleading. You have read that it has to be catchy. But you don't really have to sensationalize on the content of the ad. You need to make sure that you are delivering the right expectations to your potential customers.